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  • 😢"YouTube ads don't work for my business"

😢"YouTube ads don't work for my business"

What to do when YouTube ads WON'T work for your business...

"YouTube ads don't work for my business"

Let's say you gave YouTube ads the ol' "college try."

You ran a few thousand dollars...

...And you came up empty.

Too many dollars in.

Too few Dollars out.

Now, maybe it’s true:

Maybe YouTube ads are NOT a good fit for your business.

(We do see it all the time with low AOV ecomm products and a few other verticals, for example...)

But with that said...

How confident are you that when you tested YouTube ads, you tested:

- your best possible funnel variation, with the best chance of success on YouTube?
- with the right campaign setup?
- and the right conversion goal(s)?
- with the right kind of creatives?
- & the right type of creative tests?
- and most optimal tracking setup?

Here’s the thing...

Our team can take one look at your setup and tell you if you’re missing the mark on any of these key elements.

(And give you specific fixes that will save you a whole bunch of time + adspend as a result)

And it’s providing these kinds of insights and helping clients with details like these which is why we launched VidTao Navigator private YouTube ad consulting program in the first place.

Because you might very well be able to handle media buying & creative production on your own, internally.

But if you're going to be spending a few thousand just to TEST YouTube ads...

...It makes a whole lot of sense to invest just a FRACTION of that amount...

...to get complete oversight and 24/7 hand-holding from a team who has seen (almost) everything when it comes to YouTube ads.

(Over $250 million managed on the platform at this point.)

This way you can rest assured that you & your team are NOT missing some detail that could ACTUALLY unlock YouTube ads as a blue ocean of NEW customers for your business.

And hey Paid ads is a tough game.

There are no guarantees.

Maybe YouTube ads won't work for you business.

But if just ONE insight from our team can unlock untold opportunities...

Like for one B2C software company (name redacted) who was doing pretty well on Facebook but struggled to make YouTube ads work…

Until our team entered the chat...

...And identified the creative that would become the foundation of a very profitable 6+ month-long $50k+/day run on YouTube.

(Spoiler: The "core" of the 200+ winning YouTube ads we ran over the next year+ for this offer was an overlooked LANDING PAGE video we added a minor - but very important - tweak to. It had been sitting right under their nose the whole time.)

Fast forward a few more months and the company sold for a solid 8 figures to another software company there's a good chance you are using right now.

Or for another example...

Take a look at this screenshot from one of our VidTao Navigator members:

(someone who btw already spends 7 figures/month on ads):

…And with just a couple days of our feedback & recommendations?

They’re already scaling on an entirely new source of traffic: YouTube Shorts.

Or one of the top YouTube advertisers of the last few years, the Mikkelsen Twins of Publishing dot com:

Here's what Publishing's Senior Media Buyer Armin Mirzakhanlou had to say about leveraging the help of our VidTao Navigator team to help this offer scale:

Think of VidTao Navigator like an "Insurance Policy" for your YouTube ads.

Know you & your team are doing everything you can to test, find success and scale, as quickly (and efficiently) as possible on YouTube, YouTube Shorts + Connected TV.

Go here to learn more about VidTao Navigator:

And heads up:

We CLOSE enrollment for this cohort of VidTao Navigator next week, Wednesday July 24th at 11:59pm Pacific.

So if you're ready to get expert guidance, go ahead and claim your spot before we shut the doors.

Best wishes & see you inside…

The VidTao Team
