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  • VidTao Cyber Monday (last chance)

VidTao Cyber Monday (last chance)

Not yet a VidTao Premium member? Here's your last chance to get in at the lowest price

Going to keep this email short because you're no doubt getting bombarded with Cyber Monday emails...

To sum up: We are raising the price on VidTao, starting Monday at 11:59pm US Pacific.

BUT - if you're already a paying VidTao customer? Don't worry. You're "grandfathered in" to VidTao at your current low price, for as long as you stay a customer.

(This is our way of saying THANK YOU for believing in us & giving us the feedback to )

And if you don't yet have VidTao Premium?

Go here to claim access to VidTao Premium at the current pricing ($49/mo) before it goes up to $67/mo on Monday at 11:59pm Pacific.

(You’ll get 7 days to try it out for free, before deciding whether or not you want to keep it…)

And in case you're looking for a little extra help with your campaigns & creatives:

When you join VidTao with a Yearly membership, you get full VidTao 2.0 premium access AND direct networking/feedback/help from some of today's top marketers & media buyers.

Right now when you join VidTao as a yearly member, you can lock in the absolute lowest monthly price possible on VidTao 2.0 PLUS get access to our private VidTao Discord channel.

(Btw - price will increase by $100 tomorrow)

👉 Go here to claim your VidTao Yearly membership + benefits: https://yearly.vidtao.com/

What’s inside the VidTao Discord Channel?

You'll see VSL legends, to top agency owners, super affiliates & rock-star media buyers (plus our entire VidTao team) are in the group, ready to give you the feedback you need to take your game to the next level.)

(risk-free) Plus joining VidTao Yearly is risk-free: you'll have 7 days to evaluate before you decide whether or not you want to stay a member.

Again, here's the link for the yearly membership where you can save $100: https://yearly.vidtao.com/

That's it for now.

We'll be sending another email later on Monday as a reminder, and then it's back to our regular content.

And btw we've got a few BIG announcements this week coming up:

1) Major new VidTao 2.0 feature reveal

2) Our new AI video analysis tool (Discord channel members are going to get to see this / use this first)

3) TikTok Shops training (seeing BIG results with this, can't wait to share with you...)

Have a great week,

The VidTao Team

PS: Check out this new feature walk-thru we did last week:



Did you know that we have over 7 million YouTube ads (and landing pages) indexed inside VidTao 2.0?

Digging into VidTao’s database, you will see A LOT of different approaches to nailing the “hook”:

Those all-important first 10 seconds of your YouTube ad.

And in this email we are going to walk through NINE of the Hook Tactics we see top Direct Response YouTube ads using right now (with examples).

But first, a quick update on a powerful new feature inside of VidTao 2.0:

⚠️ VidTao 2.0 New Feature Alert ⚠️

New Feature: Sort by Tracking Service / Ad Tech

Want to see all ads for offers using Hyros or TripleWhale - or show only VSL offers using a video hosting service like Vidalytics?

We just added a very cool feature to VidTao 2.0 that allows you to sort by the ad tech / tracking tools used on the landing page.

Check it out:

Go here to check it out for yourself → app.vidtao.com 

Now back to those first 10 seconds of your YouTube ad:

Just to remind you 👇

⚠️ Why Your YouTube Ad’s 1st 10 seconds Matter:

⏱️ Your Ad’s First 5 Seconds: acts as a “hook” for the user’s attention and get them to stay past when the “skip ad” button becomes clickable

⏱️ Your Ad’s First 10 Seconds: Get viewers to stick around past 10 seconds acts as an “ad quality” signal to Google that will drive down your cost of traffic (and drive down your CPA as a result)

(Want more explanation on WHY this is all the case? We go into way more detail on all this in a blog post we did here)

🤖 Extracting Today’s Top “Hook Tactics”

Because your ad’s intro is such an important topic, we actually crunched the numbers and evaluated a bunch of top Direct Response YouTube ads to identify common Hook Tactics that these videos use in the first 10 seconds…

…So you can “swipe and deploy” these same proven Direct Response Hook to make your own YouTube ads even better.

And in the sample we tested, we found NINE PATTERNS that these ads were using to have success with their YouTube ad intros. 

And while YES, the ad copy is very important, 

We’re talking here about both:

  • 🗣️ what is said in the video’s audio (i.e. ad copy)

  • 👁️ but also what you show on the screen, visually

(And btw - in case you’d like a way to analyze what your ad says and shows visually - to see how it compares to other top ads & grab insights like these… Let us know. We built a tool you might really like.)


Let’s dive in…

👁️ Hook Tactic #1: Use Visual Urgency

How to use it: Incorporate visually urgent elements like unexpected or emergency situations (e.g., a grill on fire) to immediately capture the viewer's attention.

Hook Tactic #1 in action:

This classic ad from Prepared Hero has spent close to $500k in the past 30 days. Watch the struggle with the grill fire in these first 10 seconds:

Want to see more great ads? See all of Prepared Hero’s ads & landing pages here inside VidTao 2.0

🔊 Hook Tactic #2: Audio Shock Factor

How to use it: Utilize surprising or dramatic audio exclamations to enhance the sense of urgency and keep viewers engaged.

Hook Tactic #2 in action:

Listen to the panicked “Oh my Gosh!” exclamation in the same Prepared Hero ad:

Want to see more great ads? See all of Prepared Hero’s ads & landing pages here inside VidTao 2.0

👩‍🏫 Hook Tactic #3: Instructional Setting

How to use it: Use visuals that set an educational tone, such as a presenter in front of a whiteboard, to position the ad as informative or instructional.

Hook Tactic #3 in action:

Watch this Hook Tactic “out in the wild” with this ad from Acorns, with over $4 million usd in estimated adspend:

See all of Acorns’ ads & landing pages here inside VidTao 2.0.

Today’s Newsletter is Supported by Inceptly
Direct Response Video & Traffic Agency

Are You Spending $1k+ Per Day on Ads?

🚩 Hook Tactic #4:  Address the Problem Directly

How to use it: Start the audio with a direct mention of a common problem or mistake that the target audience can relate to, fostering immediate connection and interest.

Hook Tactic #4 in action:

Listen to 30 Day Singer’s opening line: “Can anyone learn to sing? Or is it something you’re just born with?”

🎨 Hook Tactic #5: Visual Contrast and Provocation

How to use it: Employ striking and unconventional visuals to provoke interest and differentiate from typical imagery.

Hook Tactic #5 in action:

An appropriate before / after shot (like in this Jawzercise video with an estimated $4M+ in adspend) is a great use of Visual Contrast:

See all of Jawzercise’s ads & landing pages here inside VidTao 2.0:

🤔 Hook Tactic #6: Intriguing Audio Claim

How to use it: Use audio to make intriguing or challenging claims (e.g., about common misconceptions), which can pique curiosity and encourage further viewing.

Hook Tactic #6 in action:

Listen to the CLASSIC “Are Vegans Healthy? Are Vegetarians healthy?” opening question line in this Organifi ad with over $12 million usd in estimated adspend:

See all of Organifi’s ads & landing pages here inside VidTao 2.0.

🍂 Hook Tactic #7: Transformational Visual

How to use it: Show a visual transformation (like a metamorphosis, etc.) to highlight the product’s practical benefits and its impact on the user.

Hook Tactic #6 in action: Watch the subject in this BaerSkin Hoodie’s transformation from over-layered and uncomfortable to a single hoodie, comfortable and stylish:

See all of Baerskin’s ads & landing pages here inside VidTao 2.0.

🔴 Hook Tactic #8: Problem Identification in Audio

How to use it: Begin with audio that identifies a relatable problem, setting the stage for the product as a solution.

Hook Tactic #8 in action: “Writing’s not that easy…” as the opening lines in this Grammarly ad from Yuriy Timen with over FIFTY THREE MILLION in estimated adspend:

See all of Grammarly’s ads & landing pages here inside VidTao 2.0.

🔬 Hook Tactic #9: Visual Focus on Product Features

How to use it: Use close-up visuals to emphasize key product features such as comfort or ease of use.

Hook Tactic #9 in action: Watch how this ad from CoziSlides (with $848k+ in adspend), “the world’s thickest massage sandals, that feel like a beach holiday for your feet:

Wrapping Up…

Ok let’s review the 9 Direct Response YouTube ad Hook Tactics:

👩‍🔬 9 Direct Response YouTube Ad Hook Tactics:

  • 👁️ Visual Urgency

  • 🔊 Audio Shock Factor

  • 👩‍🏫 Instructional Setting

  • 🚩 Direct Address the Problem

  • 🎨 Visual Contrast and Provocation

  • 🤔 Intriguing Audio Claim

  •  🍂 Transformational Visual

  • 🔴 Problem Identification in Audio

  • 🔬 Visual Focus on Product Features

Use these 9 Hook Tactics in your own ads to:

  • Avoid Creative Fatigue

  • Prolong the “lifespan” of your winning ads

  • And find new winning ads, faster

(Plus you’ll never run out of ideas. Assemble completely NEW hooks & intros for your ads, just by mixing and matching what you see here.)

🕙 Direct Response (And some Related AI) Marketing Minute

Here is your 60 second Performance Marketing Briefing for today (with some related AI updates sprinkled in):

Advertise with VidTao's Audience of 100k+

Advertise with VidTao to get your brand in front of the Who's Who of Performance Advertising & Direct Response. Whether you’re looking to reach decision makers at top brands or looking for rock-start talent for your team (like our happy advertising client below) VidTao’s audience are the cream of the crop of digitial advertisers always looking for the next interesting product, tool, or opportunity. Get in touch today.

That’s it for today!

Best wishes,

The VidTao Team

Here's how our partners at Inceptly (our Direct Response Video & Traffic agency partner with over $950M in Direct Response revenue generated) can help:

1) Paid ads Strategy & Execution on Google, YouTube, Meta, TikTok (and more)

"We have been working with Inceptly for over 2 years now, and they have been instrumental in helping us drive paid acquisition at scale. I highly recommend Inceptly's services." - Sandy Diao, Director of Growth @ Descript . com

2) Build a Custom Tracking & Attribution “Brain”:

"Thanks to [Inceptly's] data team, we now have a custom tracking solution built specifically to our business that supplies all of the information we need to floor or throttle the proverbial gas pedal which is front-end advertising." - Devyn Merklin, CMO Livingood Daily

Can one of Inceptly's custom data solutions help you finally crack the code on attribution at scale?

3) Build Direct Response Video Creatives that SCALE

"The Inceptly team just gets it when it comes to performance video creative. I love it." - Val Yakovchik, Founder & CEO MoxieLash

Let's build your next winning creative campaign on YouTube, YouTube shorts (and more)!

4) "UpSkill" Your Internal Creative & Media Buying Team

"Thanks to our work with Inceptly, at our current pace within 3-4 weeks we should be doing highly profitable $10k+ days on YouTube." - Wouter Akika, VidTao Bootcamp client, Founder & CEO of MyDermaDream

Let's “Transplant” our team’s experience directly into your internal team, as quickly as possible. Fast-track your team’s media buying & creative skillset with the best in the business.

PPS: Have you checked out VidTao 2.0 yet?

We just added new features like Affiliate offer tracking, and millions of NEW YouTube ads indexed from all your favorite companies and offers.

Here’s how to check it out:

☝️If you have a VidTao Premium account already?

Go to next.vidtao.com to log in to VidTao 2.0 and try it out.

🙅 …And if you don’t yet have a VidTao Premium account?

Current VidTao Premium members will be “grandfathered in” on the current pricing tier for VidTao 2.0…

…But once we fully launch VidTao 2.0 at the end of the month?

We’ll be raising the price (as you can imagine we’ve invested A LOT to upgrade the software and continue to add a bunch more amazing features we’ll be walking through over the next few days)

Go here to lock in current pricing & claim your VidTao Premium membership with VidTao 2.0 access: