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  • re: "Full Funnel Breakdown"?

re: "Full Funnel Breakdown"?

what would you want to see?

Quick question:

What funnel or offer would you most want to see a Full funnel teardown / analysis on?

I’m talking about going into detail on everything like:

  • The ADS they’re running on Facebook, YouTube, Google Search, Instagram, TikTok and more…

  • Any pre-sell or advertorial pages they’re running…

  • Their lead gen / webinar registration pages (if relevant)

  • The OFFER they’re running (pricing, value stack, etc.)

  • Any sales page order bumps, popups, etc.

  • Cart abandon ads & emails they’re sending…

  • One-time-offers & Upsells they’re using to boost that Day 1 AOV…

  • Post-Purchase email flow + Back end sales processes (sales call showup sequences, email/SMS follow up, etc)

(…And analyzing anything else an advertiser is using to drive & convert traffic to an offer)

1) Is this something you’re interested in?

2) If so, what funnel & offer would you want to see analyzed first?

3) What details of the funnel would you want to see, that most funnel teardowns / analyses leave out?

(Please be as specific as possible!)

👉 Hit reply and let us know!

Thanks and have a great week,

The VidTao team

PS - Spending $1k/day+ on Paid Ads? Let’s brainstorm on how you can scale with YouTube, Connected TV and more.