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  • 👁 Old-School Marketing “Secret” Behind This YouTube Shorts Hair Loss Ad

👁 Old-School Marketing “Secret” Behind This YouTube Shorts Hair Loss Ad

💸 Millions Spent on This YouTube Shorts Hair Loss Ad - Discover the Surprising “Reason Why” It's So Effective! 💸

One secret weapon can make or break a campaign: the reason why.

As the legendary Gary Bencivenga once said:

"The most persuasive words in advertising are simply, REASON WHY."

(Find Gary’s “Marketing Bullets” here.)

But what exactly does “Reason Why” mean?

And how can you harness the power of reason-why advertising to skyrocket your own sales?

We're about to dive deep into a real-world example that'll blow your mind (and maybe even grow your hair back). 😉

Meet Hims, the DTC brand that's been crushing it with their recent YouTube Shorts ad for hair loss treatment.

Hims: The winning formula

This ad is one of their many YouTube Shorts ads crushing it right now:

In fact, Hims spent over 14.8 million dollars just last year.

But here's the thing: it's not just a fluke. Hims has masterfully employed the three key principles of reason-why advertising that Gary Bencivenga swears by:

  • 1️⃣ Compelling reasons why their product is superior

  • 2️⃣ Compelling reasons to believe what they say is true

  • 3️⃣ Compelling reasons to seize the opportunity today

And, Hims nailed it. 🎯

In this article, we'll dissect this Hims YouTube Shorts ad piece by piece, showing you exactly how they've used these three principles to create an advertising juggernaut.

Along the way, we'll sprinkle in some wisdom from the great Gary Bencivenga himself, so you can see how his timeless advice applies to this modern-day success story.

So, if you're ready to uncover the secrets of reason-why advertising and take your own campaigns to the next level, keep reading. 📖

Because by the end of this article, you'll have a crystal-clear understanding of how to craft ads that don't just get attention, but actually convince people to buy.

And who knows? You might just find yourself with a few extra bucks in your pocket (and a few extra hairs on your head). 💰👨‍🦱

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Let's dive in!

🔍 Reason Why #1: Why the Product is Superior 🔍

First up, let's talk about how Hims convinces viewers that their hair loss treatment is the cream of the crop.

Now, here's the kicker: Hims isn't just battling hair loss – they're battling skepticism.

Did you know that over 70% of men with thinning hair try multiple solutions before finding one that works? It's true! From Minoxidil (which only works for about 40% of guys) to DHT-blocking shampoos, supplements, and even laser therapy caps (yes, that's a thing), most men have been around the block when it comes to hair loss treatments.

By the time they see a Hims ad, they've probably already tried a few products that didn't live up to the hype. That's why it's crucial for Hims to not just say they're better, but to show why they're superior.

After all, in the $2.8 billion hair loss market, standing out isn't just about having a good product – it's about having a product that works when others have failed. And that, my friends, is where the "reason why" becomes your secret weapon.

As Gary Bencivenga puts it, you need to provide "compelling reason(s) why your product is superior to other solutions your prospects might choose, including doing nothing." 💪

Hims delivers on that front. Right from the get-go, they hit you with a trifecta of product superiority:

  • 1️⃣ Doctor-trusted ingredients (00:03)

  • 2️⃣ Visible results in 3-6 months (00:08)

  • 3️⃣ Convenient, 100% online process (00:25)

Let's break each of these down, shall we?

1) Doctor-trusted ingredients

First, Hims doesn't just claim their product works - they back it up with the support of medical professionals. By showing that little bottle of finasteride and minoxidil spray at 00:03, held in the hand of a smiling, luscious-locked dude, they're saying, "Hey, this isn't just snake oil. Doctors are on board with this stuff." 🩺

2) Visible results in 3-6 months

Then, they double down on the promise of results. Right in the first second of the ad, they flash the text "Does wearing hats cause hair loss? Of course not." followed by a shot of a satisfied customer with a glorious head of hair. The message is clear: stick with us, and in just a few short months, you too could be sporting a luscious mane. 🦁

3) Convenient, 100% online process

Finally, they seal the deal with convenience. At 00:25, they show a smartphone screen with an intake form, highlighting just how easy it is to get started. No need to schlep to the doctor's office or pharmacy - just a few taps and you're on your way to hair glory. 📱

By hitting these three key points hard, Hims leaves no doubt in the viewer's mind that their product is the superior choice. And that is the power of “reason why” advertising in action.

But Hims doesn't stop there. They know that convincing people your product is the best isn't enough - you also need to give them a reason to believe you. 🤔

And that's exactly what we'll dive into next...

🕵️‍♂️ Reason Why #2: Why the Claims Are True 🕵️‍♂️

So, Hims has convinced us that their product is top-notch. But as any savvy marketer knows, that's only half the battle.

As Gary Bencivenga warns:

"Your audience won't believe you unless you give the REASON WHY what you claim is true."

In other words, you can't just make bold claims and expect people to take your word for it. You need to back it up with cold, hard proof.

And that's where Hims really shines. Throughout the ad, they sprinkle in a variety of credibility boosters that make their claims feel downright undeniable.

The most powerful of these? The before-and-after shots. 📸

At multiple points in the ad (00:06, 00:08, 00:18), we see real customers showing off their impressive hair transformations. These aren't just stock photos or CGI mockups - they're living, breathing proof that Hims' treatment actually works.

But Hims doesn't just rely on visuals alone. They also tap into the power of social proof, showcasing glowing testimonials from satisfied customers.

Take the guy at 00:18, for example. He's not just showing off his full head of hair - he's gushing about how well the product has worked for him. "I can't believe how well this has worked," he exclaims, with the kind of genuine enthusiasm that's hard to fake.

And of course, let's not forget the medical expertise angle. Throughout the ad, Hims reminds us that their product isn't just some over-the-counter gimmick - it's the real deal, backed by licensed providers (00:27) and trusted ingredients (00:03).

By hitting us with this one-two punch of visual proof and expert endorsement, Hims leaves little room for doubt. They're not just making empty promises - they're delivering real results, with the receipts to prove it.

But as any good marketer knows, even the most compelling product and proof aren't enough on their own. To really seal the deal, you need to give people a reason to act now.

And that's exactly what Hims does in the final piece of the reason-why puzzle

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⏰ Reason Why #3: Why You Should Act Now ⏰

Alright, so we're convinced that Hims' product is the best thing since sliced bread (or, in this case, since the invention of the hair follicle). 🍞💇‍♂️

We've seen the proof, and we're ready to buy. But there's just one problem: we're procrastinators. 😴

We tell ourselves we'll get around to it eventually, but "eventually" has a funny way of never coming.

That's where the final piece of the reason-why puzzle comes in. As Gary Bencivenga puts it:

"To close the sale... give me another REASON WHY I should act today."

And Hims wastes no time in doing just that. From the very first seconds of the ad, they're hitting us with a sense of urgency.

"I only wish I had found this sooner," the guy at 00:31 laments, with a tinge of regret in his voice.

The implication is clear: don't make the same mistake I did. Don't wait until it's too late. 🙅‍♂️

But Hims doesn't just rely on FOMO alone. They also make the process of taking action feel effortless and irresistible.

Throughout the ad, we're hit with clear, compelling calls to action. "Fill out an intake form," urges us, and we have "Get started today," at the final screen.

And perhaps most importantly, Hims makes it clear just how easy it is to get started. "All you have to do is fill out an intake form," the voiceover explains, as we see a user breezing through the process on their smartphone.

By removing any perceived barriers to action and making the next step feel like a no-brainer, Hims creates a powerful sense of momentum. We feel like we'd be crazy not to take them up on their offer, right here and now. 🏃‍♂️

To make the "reason why to act now" even stronger, Hims could incorporate a countdown timer in their ad to create implied urgency, signaling that time is running out to take advantage of the offer. Additionally, introducing a limited-time offer, such as a discount or a special promotion available only for a short period, would further incentivize immediate action by making the offer more appealing and harder to pass up. ⏰

And that is the secret sauce of reason-why advertising. By giving us compelling reasons to believe in their product, trust in their claims, and act on their offer, Hims has created an ad that doesn't just get our attention - it gets our money. 💸

But of course, the ad is only the beginning. Once we click that "Get started" button, the real magic happens on the landing page (we’ll get to it soon).

And that's where we'll head next, as we explore how Hims uses reason-why principles to seal the deal and turn curious clickers into satisfied customers.

🎯 Sealing the Deal on the Landing Page 🎯

Alright, so we've clicked on the ad and landed on Hims' website. The battle is half won, but the war is far from over. 🏰

Now, it's up to the landing page to close the sale and turn us from interested prospects into credit card-wielding customers.

The landing page is a masterclass in reason-why advertising, hitting us with even more compelling arguments and evidence at every scroll.

First up, there's the headline: "Hair loss treatment for a long-term solution." Right away, they're reminding us of the key benefit we're after - not just a quick fix, but a lasting cure for our follicular woes. 💇‍♂️

But Hims doesn't stop there. They immediately back up that claim with a trifecta of reasons to believe:

  • 1️⃣ "Regrow hair in as few as 3-6 months*"

  • 2️⃣ "Doctor-trusted ingredients"

  • 3️⃣ "100% online process, unlimited provider support"

Sound familiar? These are the same three reasons we heard in the ad, now reinforced and expanded upon for maximum impact.

But the landing page doesn't just rehash the ad verbatim. It also introduces new elements of proof and persuasion, like the before-and-after photos of real customers scattered throughout the page.

These images are powerful social proof, showing us that people just like us have achieved the hair of their dreams thanks to Hims. And by featuring a range of different guys with different hair types and stages of hair loss, Hims makes it easy for us to see ourselves in their success stories. 🙌

But perhaps the most impressive aspect of the landing page is how it anticipates and addresses our every objection and concern.

Scrolling down, we find a detailed FAQ section that tackles common questions head-on, like "What are the typical causes of hair loss?" and "Are side effects common when taking finasteride?" By proactively addressing these doubts, Hims builds trust and removes any lingering barriers to purchase.

And of course, no reason why the landing page would be complete without a final, urgent call to action.

Hims delivers on that front with a prominent "Get started" button at the bottom of the page, reinforced by a trio of compelling reasons to click:

  • 1️⃣ "Doctor-trusted ingredients to stop hair loss and regrow hair"

  • 2️⃣ "Treatment options for every head of hair and budget"

  • 3️⃣ "100% online process with unlimited access to care"

By hitting us with this one-two punch of reassurance and urgency, Hims makes it feel like a no-brainer to take the next step and claim our spot in the hair loss success club.

And that is how you use reason-why advertising to turn a casual browser into a confident buyer.

Wrapping up…

We've explored how reason-why advertising works, using Hims as an example. From ads to landing pages and customer experiences, Hims effectively turns skeptics into loyal customers.

Gary Bencivenga reminds us that this approach is not just about clever ads or persuasive writing. It's about understanding what motivates people and using that insight to create deeply resonant marketing messages.

As Bencivenga so eloquently puts it:

"To open minds and wallets and have prospects eagerly buy, the most persuasive words in advertising are simply, REASON WHY."

So, what can we learn from Hims' success? Here are a few key takeaways:

  • 1️⃣ Always lead with the benefits: Don't just tell people what your product does - tell them how it will make their lives better.

  • 2️⃣ Back up your claims with proof: Use social proof, expert endorsements, and real-world results to show that you're not just blowing smoke.

  • 3️⃣ Create a sense of urgency: Give people a reason to act now, not later, by highlighting the risks of inaction and the rewards of taking the leap.

  • 4️⃣ Anticipate and address objections: Don't wait for doubts to creep in - proactively tackle them head-on and remove any barriers to buying.

  • 5️⃣ Make the customer experience seamless: Once someone has bought in, make sure the reality lives up to the promise by delivering a top-notch product and service.

So, what are you waiting for? Take a hard look at your own marketing messages and see where you can inject a little more reason-why magic. You too can create ads and landing pages that don't just get noticed - they get results.

Have a great week!

The VidTao Team

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