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  • Monday.com's YouTube Ad team: What do you want to ask them?

Monday.com's YouTube Ad team: What do you want to ask them?

(creatives + media buying) we are interviewing the team behind Monday's massive success on YouTube. What do you want to learn from them?

Monday.com has been a beast on YouTube the past few years.

Here’s a screenshot showing the $18 million USD+ they’ve spent in just the past year on YouTube ads: 👇

Go here to see all their ads inside VidTao, including this beast of an ad currently spending over $20k per day:

Tomorrow we are getting on a call with their amazing internal YouTube Ad team (creatives + media buying)…

…And we’re going to pick their brain with YOUR most burning questions.

So - what are your questions for Monday.com’s YouTube ad team, behind nearly $30 million USD in YouTube adspend?

👉 Hit reply and let us know, and we’ll make sure to cover them in full detail during our chat.

Today’s Newsletter is Supported by Inceptly
Direct Response Video & Traffic Agency

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That’s it for today!

Best wishes,

The VidTao Team