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  • Health VSL Analysis: Glucotrust

Health VSL Analysis: Glucotrust

breaking down one of the top affiliate VSLs of recent memory

Log in to VidTao's affiliate tracking module and you'll see something interesting:

Many of the top affiliate YouTube ads right now are for blood sugar offers.

Like this one ad from Premier Health Research that's spent nearly $500k this past month:

Health VSL Analysis: Glucotrust

The key to mega volume affiliate offers is this:

A high-performing video salesletter (VSL).

Funnel of the Week did an interview with former SixPackShortcuts CMO Johnson Li, breaking down one of the best performing affiliate offers in the past couple years, blood sugar offer Glucotrust.

Go here to check it out:

Have a great week!

The VidTao Team

PS - Go here to claim a Free Trial of the all-new VidTao 2.0 YouTube ad library (complete with 10 million+ unlisted YouTube ads & their landing pages)

PPS - Are you spending $1k/day+ on Paid Ads? 👉 Go here to set up a free YouTube Ad brainstorm chat.

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