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What the"Greatest Living Copywriter" can teach you about YouTube Shorts Ads

Try this Direct Response approach with your YouTube Shorts Ads (and more)

When it comes to creating ads that stop scrollers in their tracks and drive real results, there's one principle that stands head and shoulders above the rest. And it's not what you might think...

  • It's not about having the flashiest graphics

  • It's not about the catchiest jingle

  • It's not even about the most recognizable celebrity endorsement

It's all about giving people a compelling REASON WHY.

Jelena Denda Borjan,
Staff Writer

Don't believe me? Let's hear it straight from the master himself, Gary Bencivenga who many consider to be “The World’s Greatest Living Copywriter”:

"The most persuasive words in advertising are simply, REASON WHY."

Gary Bencivenga

Let’s dig into this…

🕵️ Want to “Spy” on over 10 million unlisted YouTube ads (and landing pages)?

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🔍 Case Study: Scandinavian Biolabs Hair Growth Serum Ad

Now, you might be wondering: "Okay, but how does this actually play out in a real-world ad?"

Great question! Let's take a closer look at this Scandinavian Biolabs hair growth serum YouTube Shorts ad:

  • 🕐 0:00 - The Hook: Right off the bat, they hit you with a powerful before-and-after visual: "For the last 150 days I have been adding this hair growth serum to my head and lately it has been a wonder"

Boom! In just 4 seconds, they've given you a clear REASON WHY their product is worth your attention.

  • 🕐 0:15 - The Reinforcement: They drive the point home: "Fantastic much thicker much healthier and really happy"

See what they did there? They're not just making empty claims. They're showing you real results and giving you concrete reasons to believe.

  • 🕐 0:39 - The Objection Crusher: Just when you think they've covered all their bases, they hit you with the knockout punch: "I know people might be skeptical about this stuff and I certainly was at the beginning but I thought I'd give it a try right and as you can see I have crazy hair"

This is pure gold, folks. They're addressing potential objections head-on and giving you a compelling REASON WHY you should take action now.

Want to brainstorm with us on new ways to scale your business with YouTube Ads (and other performance video platforms)?

Join us for a free YouTube ad brainstorming session here:

🧠 The "Reason Why" Trifecta

Remember how Gary Bencivenga laid it out for us? He said there are three key areas where you need to give compelling reasons:

  1. Why your product is superior

  2. Why what you say is true

  3. Why they should act now

Let's see how our hair growth heroes nailed each of these...

1️⃣ Why Scandinavian Biolabs is Superior

At 0:02, they waste no time showing off their secret weapon: "This hair growth serum"

But they don't just leave it at that. Oh no, they go for the jugular. Their landing page is plastered with phrases like:

  • "Bio-Pilixin® formula"

  • "No Nasty Chemicals"

  • "Clinically-tested. Naturally effective."

They're not just saying "Hey, we're better!" They're giving you concrete REASONS WHY they're better.

2️⃣ Why You Should Believe Them

Now, we've all seen those "too good to be true" ads. So how does Scandinavian Biolabs build trust?

They hit you with a one-two punch of social proof and third-party validation:

  • In the video, from 0:28 to 0:37, you see multiple before-and-after shots. Real people, real results.

  • On the landing page, they're not shy about tooting their own horn:

    • "Trusted by 100K+"

    • "Rated 'Excellent' on Trustpilot"

    • "Third-Party Clinically Tested"

They're practically screaming, "Don't just take our word for it!"

3️⃣ Why You Should Act Now

Here's where a lot of ads fall flat. But not our Nordic hair heroes!

  • At 0:48, they hit you with: "Try Scandinavian Biolabs hair growth routine and see the results for yourself"

And on the landing page, they seal the deal with: "150 Days Money-Back Guarantee"

🎯 The Big Takeaway

It's not enough to just make claims. You need to back them up with solid, believable reasons.

Whether you're selling hair growth serum, fitness programs, or funky socks, always ask yourself:

  1. Why is my product better?

  2. Why should they believe me?

  3. Why should they buy now?

Answer these questions in your ads, and you'll be well on your way to creating scroll-stopping, wallet-opening campaigns.

🚀 Putting "Reason Why" Into Practice

You might be thinking, "Sure, this all sounds great, but how do I actually put this into practice?"

Great question! Let's break it down...

1. Digging for Your "Reason Why" Gold

Become a detective in your own business. Ask yourself:

  1. What makes your product truly unique?

  2. What results have your customers experienced?

  3. What objections do potential customers usually have?

2. Show, Don't Just Tell

Notice how the Scandinavian Biolabs ad doesn't just tell you their product works? They show you with before-and-after shots at 0:28.

In addition, on their landing page, they show "before and after" photos of satisfied users of their serum.

3. Leverage Third-Party Validation

Our hair growth heroes didn't just rely on their own claims. They brought in the big guns:

  • "Third-Party Clinically Tested"

  • "Rated 'Excellent' on Trustpilot"

4. Create Urgency (Without Being Sleazy)

The Scandinavian Biolabs folks nailed this with their 150-day money-back guarantee.

5. Test, Test, and Test Again

Even the pros don't always know which "Reason Why" will resonate most with their audience. Try different angles, different proofs, and different urgency tactics. Let the data guide you to what works best.

~ update from our friends at Funnel of the Week ~

Advertorials: Best Practices, Key Metrics, Mistakes & More

If you’re any kind of performance marketer, advertorials are a tool you will want to master & have in your arsenal.

Here’s what Funnel of the Week Members are saying about the recent Advertorial funnel breakdown with Advertorial expert Brandon Ham inside the Funnel of the Week Members Area:

Want to get a crash course in creating high-performing advertorials that drive conversions?

Go here to get access to the Advertorial funnel breakdown & ALL the weekly funnel swipes, breakdowns & more, inside the Funnel of the Week Members Area 

🔥 Advanced "Reason Why" Tactics

You might be thinking, "This all sounds great, but how do I know if I'm really nailing it?"

Well, my friend, let's dive into some advanced "Reason Why" tactics that'll take your ads from "meh" to "holy moly, take my money!"

1. The Power of Specificity

Remember how Scandinavian Biolabs didn't just say "Our serum works"? They hit you with: "93% had a clinically tested reduction in hair loss"

That's not just a claim, that's a laser-guided missile of persuasion!

2. The "Reason Why" Story Arc

Notice how the Scandinavian Biolabs ad isn't just a list of features? It tells a story.

At 0:04, we hear: "Lately it has been a wonder I was getting very thin hair on top so I decided to use this"

That's not just a product description - it's a mini-story of transformation!

3. The Unexpected "Reason Why"

Sometimes, the most powerful "reason why" is one that catches people off guard.

In our hair serum ad, at 0:39, they drop this gem: "I know people might be skeptic about this stuff and I certainly was at the beginning".

Whoa, hold up! They're admitting their own product sounds too good to be true? That's a pattern interrupt that makes people lean in and listen.

4. The "Reason Why" Call-to-Action

Notice how at 0:48, the ad doesn't just say "Buy now." Instead, we hear: "Try Scandinavian Biolabs hair growth routine and see the results for yourself"

That's not just telling people what to do - it's giving them a reason why they should do it!

5. The powerful CTA

The CTA "Shop the hair growth routine" is a masterclass in subtle persuasion, perfectly aligning with our "Reason Why" principle. It's action-oriented and specific, implying a systematic approach to hair growth that piques curiosity.

Using "shop" instead of "buy" lowers the pressure while still prompting action.

Most importantly, it gives viewers a clear reason why they should click - to access the very routine that's produced the impressive results they've just witnessed.

This CTA effectively bridges the gap between the ad's promises and the viewer's desire for results, making it a powerful closer in this hair-raising success story.

Remember what Gary Bencivenga said:

"To open minds and wallets and have prospects eagerly buy,

the most persuasive words in advertising are simply, REASON WHY."

Gary Bencivenga

So, take these "Reason Why" tactics and apply them to your next ad. But don't stop there! Keep testing. Keep refining. Keep giving people more and more compelling reasons why they should choose your product or service.

Whether you're hawking hamburgers or hedge funds, the principle remains the same:

Give. People. Reasons.

  • Reasons to believe.

  • Reasons to buy.

  • Reasons to act now.

It's like Bencivenga says:

"If you want to sell like a superstar, just boldly state your reasons."

🕵️ Want to “Spy” on over 10 million unlisted YouTube ads (and landing pages)?

Go here to claim your free trial of all new VidTao 2.0 YouTube Ad Library👇

And btw… If you have questions about YouTube ads?

Go here to schedule a free chat with our friends at Inceptly. Inceptly is a top Direct Response video ad agency, specializing in high-performing YouTube ad creatives & media buying.

Have a great week!

The VidTao Team

PS - Go here to claim a Free Trial of the all-new VidTao 2.0 YouTube ad library (complete with 10 million+ unlisted YouTube ads & their landing pages)

PPS - Are you spending $1k/day+ on Paid Ads? 👉 Go here to set up a free YouTube Ad brainstorm chat.