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  • ⚖️ FTC Settlement: Info Product Owner to Pay $1.25M

⚖️ FTC Settlement: Info Product Owner to Pay $1.25M

Is this the "end of an era" for info products?

Today we’re going to talk about:

⚖️ How the FTC is cracking down on non-compliant MMO info products with heavy fines and penalties…

📈 The 100% compliant MMO info product that’s crushing it in spite of this (including the funnel structure they’re using to sell a high-ticket back end product without a sales call…)

We’ll get into it all in just a moment, but first a quick announcement…

🔍💰 Free Funnel Profit Audit

Is Your Sales Funnel Leaving Money on the Table?

Here’s your chance to discover untapped revenue opportunities hiding in plain sight.

The folks at Funnel of the Week are doing a Free Funnel "Profit Audit", guaranteed to find at least one profit maximizer for you to add profit to your funnel.

So if you’re looking for easy ways to add AOV to your funnel…

Go here to tell them a little about your funnel & get your Profit Audit & plan to boost your funnel’s AOV & Profit:

(limited spots available)

⚖️ FTC’s Info Product Crackdown

Ok let’s get into todays content…

If you've been paying attention, you've probably seen how the FTC is ramping up scrutiny - and punishment - for any "Make Money Online" info product.

Examples include Dean Graziosi's $1.25 million settlement, just one part of a total $16.7 million settlement that also prohibited any of those affected from ever advertising in the "Wealth Building" space ever again.

But despite all that…

Right now there ARE "Make Money" offers that are still crushing it - in a 100% compliant way.

The Funnel of the Week team just dropped a breakdown on one MMO info product that’s doing serious volume right now…

(including the 34 step email followup sequence that ties everything together)

If you're selling an info product…

…and especially if you'd like to see how to sell a high ticket back end coaching product WITHOUT sales calls...

...You're going to want to check out this breakdown.

Go here to see the article:

Go here to see the article & see how this MMO info product offer is scaling hard in spite of the FTC crackdown.

Have a great week!

The VidTao Team

PS - Got compliance issues? We’ve got something cooking for you that’s really going to help… Hit reply to this email with “Compliance” in your message and we'll put you on the early bird list so you get first dibs once we go live...

PPS - Go here to claim a Free Trial of the all-new VidTao 2.0 YouTube ad library (complete with 10 million+ unlisted YouTube ads & their landing pages)

PPPS - Are you spending $1k/day+ on Paid Ads? 👉 Go here to set up a free YouTube Ad brainstorm chat.