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  • How to Engineer Direct Response UGC at Scale

How to Engineer Direct Response UGC at Scale

8 Week Direct Response UGC Factory Build-out: Your Fast-Track to Repeatably Creating 7-Figure UGC Winner Ads at Scale

Look on TikTok, YouTube Shorts, or any of Meta's vertical video platforms and you’ll see how effective UGC is, plain as day:

User Generated Content (UGC) - done the right way - is an unbelievable opportunity for helping Direct Response brands scale.

Why? Because it's a reflection of the type of organic content people like to consume on these platforms.

But more importantly, the format increases trust in the brand.

It doesn't look like advertising. And since people don't like to be sold but love to buy...

It works. Just look at this simple piece of content from DTC Skincare brand Peter Thomas Roth:

This simple video led to the brand completely selling out 6 months of product in just one week.

But here’s the problem:

The team at Peter Thomas Roth did NOT engineer this piece of content. It was 100% a happy accident.

And for 99% of companies & agencies out there, good UGC is left completely to chance.

When it comes to UGC, most brands are throwing spaghetti at the wall and hope something sticks. There's no strategy or system behind their efforts.

This "spray and pray" approach doesn't work. Without intention, brands end up with:

  • No learning. They don't track performance on the creative element level (NOT just ad level), so have no idea what Angle works.

  • No system. They can't repeat any success since nothing is documented.

  • And most important: No results. Lack of process means mediocre Ad Quality and wasted ad spend.

Most brands leave UGC success to chance. It feels like winning the lottery when they get a good ad.

To scale past 8 figures requires discipline.

And while you have a few options like…

Hiring a creative agency that will costs you between 10-25k a month and won’t be focused on your business… (( just one of many clients / /and will just be one of many clients they’re focusing ))

Or spending tens of thousands of dollars and HOURS of time playing “HR Roulette” trying to get lucky hiring freelancers who know what they’re doing and don’t break the bank…

The truth is that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel and complicate your life…


Because high-growth brands have been quietly building systems that allow them to test more, learn faster, and spend their $$ on ads that are more efficient…

Effectively burying their competition alive.

But what is it exactly?

A creative system that predictably pumps out winners, week after week.

The truth? Winning on Facebook, TikTok and Shorts is not about finding audiences, or trying some new bidding models anymore.

It’s about how many shots you take.

The more you do, the more you stack the odds in your favor.

The odds of finding just one banger creatives that will allow you to spend hundreds of thousands if not millions on Facebook PROFITABLY.

But you see, finding this type of ad is not about just putting ANY piece of content out there, it’s about finding the right balance between volume and quality.

Because amazing UGC isn't luck. It's the result of a rock-solid production and testing process.

The brands dominating their space have mastered systems to:

  • Give clear creative direction upfront

  • Maintain control from concept to final edit

  • Scientifically test video performance

  • Continually produce fresh, high-converting UGC

The best DTC brands & agencies right now don't "hope" for good videos that perform: They ENGINEER successful UGC - at scale.

And how can you do that for your own business?

Introducing the 8 Week Direct Response UGC Factory Build: Your Fast-Track to Repeatably Creating 7-Figure UGC Winner Ads at Scale

Do you want to rapidly uncover more big winners that you can confidently scale to $100k-$1,000,000 in profitable ad spend?

…to quickly double, triple, or even 10x the number of high-quality, high-converting ads in your testing pipeline?

Picture this: A hunter hunts when he's hungry and then enjoys his food until he doesn't have any left, then he'll go hunt some more.

In your case, it means having a winning ad, relying on it for as long as it makes you money, and then starting to make other ads when your winner doesn't work anymore.

On the other hand, a farmer provides a steady source of food and they don't have to worry about being hungry ever.

Empires are built on farming, and not hunting.

And over the next 8 weeks, VidTao in collaboration with Direct Response UGC expert Sacha Bouhamidi, is going to be walking you through exactly how to build your very own Direct Response UGC Factory, set up specifically for YOUR business.

At the end of the 8 weeks, you’ll have a robust system, customized to your business that will allow you to:

✅Systematically source relevant and enthusiastic creators to generate a steady stream of new ad content

✅Maintain creative control through proven collaboration methods like detailed storyboarding and talent direction

✅Rapidly iterate by analyzing performance data and giving creators effective feedback to improve each video

✅Identify and scale your top-performing UGC ads - letting you quickly determine new big winners in your funnel

✅Release a consistent flow of engaging new ads - fueling your efforts to regularly find and scale new $100k+ winners

Stop struggling with one-off UGC campaigns. The Direct Response UGC Factory will show you how to build an ongoing supply of fresh, high-converting ads to accelerate your success.

What’s inside and how does it work?

Let’s take a look at the “core” of what we’ll be doing together over these 8 weeks…

These Are the Direct Response UGC SOP’s We’re Going to Implant into Your Business with You…

Sacha has been behind the scenes on tens of millions of dollars in UGC adspend for brands like [LIST BRANDS], and it’s these Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) he’s built to systematize, quality control and to consistently spend $100,000 - $500,000 on UGC ads. …

And over the course of these 8 weeks Sacha & the VidTao team are going to TRANSPLANT each of them directly into YOUR business, becoming the very lifeblood of your Direct Response UGC Factory…

…So that after the 8 weeks are complete, your team can start pumping 6-figures UGCs day in, day out without requiring your input even if they have ZERO experience.

These are Notion dashboards you’ll download directly into your business, and we’ll help you build out & customize each of these to suit the specifics of your business over these 8 weeks…

Let’s take a closer look at each + some quick snapshots to give you an idea of what we’ll be helping you with:

Full Planning & Testing Tracker/Planner - Swipe & install this detailed system to track production & new creative testing key metrics so you know what UGC performs, why it performs, and quickly build iterations to test next:

Video Editing Cheatsheet - Hand this step-by-step guide to your video editor and quickly up-skill your team to reliably creating pro-level, polished, high-converting UGC ads.

Direct Response Encyclopedia - Tap into a swipe-file of proven DR formulas to integrate into your UGC to go from “spray and pray” to Engineered-to-perform UGC ads.

How to ideate ad concepts - Use this step-by-step formula to generate endless creative ideas and angles tailored to your offers and audience.

How to Storyboard Like Disney - This is THE secret to avoid wasting money on sub-par footage and instead get the EXACT footage you want, from any UGC creator. Visually plan every shot and scene so talent produce the exact ad you envision.

How to Source Actors - Use this comprehensive step-by-step approach to curate and manage a network of skilled creators ready to generate high-performing UGC for you on-demand. Find out how to sort, sort, contact, manage & pay, without breaking the bank.

How to do a Mashup - This is one of the highest-leverage techniques recyle content and maximize every single piece of UGC clips seamlessly into high-converting compilation ads. Here’s how to do it step-by-step:

42 “Lazy” Angles / Hooks - Hit the ground running instantly withour library of 42 proven ad angles that compel viewers to act now. (Feed these to ChatGPT for quick ad variations to keep creative fatigue at bay)

31 Step Quality Control Checklist - Hand this 31-step Quality Control Checklist to your VA and watch them become your internal QA expert, saving you time, money and helping you generate more quality creatives to test, faster…

How to use AI for Research, Angles, Scripts - Step-by-step walk through of the prompts (and much more) we use to leverage AI to rapidly develop breakthrough creative ideas tailored to your niche. (More added regularly - like how to use Claude2’s 100k context window to quickly generate better ads than ChatGPT)

Checklist: How to iterate on existing ads - It’s a fact: Winning ads eventually DIE. Use this guide to get a leg up on Creative Fatigue by using this step-by-step approach to iterating on your winners (and making sure you don’t waste money testing ad ideas that have already failed).

Creative OS - This is the “Brain” of your UGC Factory and where everything comes together. After we help you install this, it’s going to be the control panel that delivers a steady stream of new UGC ads week after week, at scale.

UGC “Self-Production” Guidelines - Share this step-by-step guide with your talent to provide creators easy & clear instructions on how to maximize lighting quality, framing, video quality etc. for the highest quality raw material for your UGC ads, so you can avoid reshoots, waiting longer for footage and paying more for it:

Micro-Modular UGC Ad Frameworks Working Now - We are constantly testing new UGC ad structures. We’re going to show you how to take the raw footage you get and use these formulas to “Paint by Numbers” your way to high-performing UGC ads with these micro-modular, proven formulas:

Actor CRM - We’re going to turn your Virtual Assistant or other team member into a talent managing expert with this step by step flow & dashboard. Simply & efficiently build, manage, and nurture relationships with a network of UGC creators:

Vetted UGC Actor Database - This resource is going to save you a TON of time & money: We’re sharing contact details & social profiles for our best UGC creators - all people we’ve already worked with successfully. You’ll get instant access to creators who deliver quality content, on time and for a reasonable fee. This database is your fast-track to pumping out large volumes of high-performing UGC for your brand, as quickly as possible. Maintain an organized database of vetted UGC talent for seamless collaboration.

These SOP’s & resources are the “core” of our 8 week training.

But we’re not just going to hand them to you and send you on your way to figure things out for yourself…

Instead, we’re going to work side by side with you to help you build each of them into your business, step by step…

And here’s how we’re going to work together to accomplish this:

The Format: How We’ll be Working Together Over the Next 8 Weeks:

Here’s how we’re going to run this LIVE cohort training over the coming 8 weeks:

24/7 Access to 1-on-1 Feedback inside our LIVE “Pop-up” Circle Forum Private Group: Over these 8 weeks you’ll join Sacha & the VidTao team inside a private Circle forum, where you’ll network with other advertisers while getting specific, 1-on-1 feedback and guidance on implementing & running each element of your Direct Response UGC Factory.

Ask questions, get detailed, specific feedback to your business, and rapidly build out your UGC Factory with our direct help, 24/7 inside this Private Circle Community.

( ^^ just a quick screenshot of some conversations inside Circle with our VidTao team )

Weekly 2hr Implementation Calls: Each week we’ll be meeting for a live, 2 hour implementation call where we’ll cover each week’s material and answer any & all questions you have about that week’s material.

(Each week’s call will be recorded and placed inside the Circle group for easy access & discussion inside the forum)

And here’s what you'll learn & implement Week-by-Week:

Week 1 - Pre-Production Fundamentals

In the first week, you’ll learn the critical pre-production phase for creating high-converting UGC ads. We’ll cover:

  • Customer Psychology Mastery: Discover advanced techniques to uncover your target audience’s deepest desires, emotions, and motivations. This allows you to craft messaging that resonates deeply.

  • Finding Your Winning Angle: Learn frameworks for developing unique angles and concepts that will hook your audience and make your ads stand out.

  • How to validate your hypothesis before committing resources to your new ideas with estimated action rate testing.

  • Talent Sourcing: Where to find creators and influencers perfect for your niche. How to screen for talent best suited for high-performance UGC.

  • Talent Management: How to build a trusted rolodex of talented creators ready to produce UGC for you on-demand.

Week 2 - Scripting & Storyboarding

In week two, we focus on identifying top talent and storyboarding your ad concepts to effectively communicate your vision to creators. You’ll learn:

  • Writing Killer Scripts: Master the art of writing ultra-persuasive ad copy and scripts that drive action. Follow our proven formula for scripting UGC videos that convert.

  • Storyboarding for Success: Master the Disney method of visually planning every scene and shot to get the exact video you want from talent.

Week 3 - Production & Post-Production

Now we dive into the video production and editing process for polishing your UGC ads. You’ll discover:

  • Video Editor Sourcing: Where to find expert video editors to turn your raw UGC footage into polished ads.

  • Editing for Conversion: How to edit UGC videos for maximum impact and performance. Pro-tips for hooking attention fast.

  • Graphics, Music and More: How to enhance your ad with dynamics like graphics, subtitles, music, etc. that boost results.

  • Quality Control: Checklists for reviewing and approving final UGC ad deliverables from your talent and video editors.

Week 4 - Testing, Scaling & Optimizing

In the 4th week of our curriculum, you’ll learn to complete the cycle by testing your ads, doubling down on winners, and optimizing for better performance. You’ll learn:

  • Scientific Testing: How to set up robust split testing methodology and track detailed metrics to grade your UGC videos.

  • KPI Mastery: Understand which metrics to track to objectively gauge UGC ad performance. Learn how to set benchmarks and goals to maximize ROI.

  • Scaling Winners: Strategies to scale budget behind your top preforming UGC ads and expand your reach.

  • Optimizing for More: Advanced optimization tactics like thumbnail variation, caption tweaks, retargeting, etc. to wring out every last bit of performance from your UGC content.

  • Ongoing Iteration: Processes for continuing to produce fresh high-converting UGC at scale month after month.

Weeks 5-8: Ongoing Support & Implementation

Weeks 1 thru 4 are all about working with you to build & install the elements of your UGC Factory into your business…

But we don't just set you free after 4 weeks.

Weeks 5-8 are all about real-world implementation with ongoing support, with Sacha & the VidTao team as your co-pilots while you run your UGC Factory, live.

You'll get:

  • Continued access to our private online community pop-up "Circle" where members collaborate and get feedback

  • Weekly 2-hour live Q&A calls where you can get your most pressing UGC questions answered in real-time

  • Direct access to instructors via the Circle forum to clarify any concepts as you execute campaigns

  • Peer collaboration and accountability to keep you focused on consistent progress

With 8 full weeks of training AND hands-on support, you'll build your full-scale Direct Response UGC Factory - and the confidence to have your team run it to flawlessly manage high-converting UGC campaigns on your own.

We're committed to not just educating, but making sure you can put your new UGC knowledge into practice for proven results.


Bonus 1: Meta + TikTok Media Buying Scale Roadmap: Scaling UGC on Facebook, Meta & TikTok: Get specific media buying strategies working right now to scale your UGC-based ads on vertical format video platforms.

Bonus 2: YouTube Shorts Secrets: YouTube Shorts are still massively underuitlized by most brands. And with the UGC content you’ll be creating over these 8 weeks, you’re going to want to leverage the cutting-edge media buying tactics we’re going to share that we’re using to scale brands on YouTube shorts, right now.

Bonus 3: The Dark, Highly Profitable Art of Dark Posting (with John Hagan) - John Hagan is legendary in ecommerce circles for his ability to leverage Dark Posting - and he’s used this often under-utilized tactic to scale Meta campaigns for huge brands Snow, Purelei, Care/of and scrappy, rapidly growing DTC brands alike. Inside this bonus training he’s going to pull back the curtain and share his entire Dark Posting approach so you can swipe, deploy and profit for your own business.

Your Instructors:

Sacha Bouhamidi

This course will be led by Sacha Bouhamidi, THE top consultant who specializes in helping companies build & optimize their very own Direct Response UGC Factory.

He steps into companies like Nood, Systeme 41, Primal Harvest, Kara MD, Organixx, Urth Naturals, Luma Nutrition, Heights, and many more., builds out the systems and processes for ideating, sourcing and producing high-performance UGC ads on Meta/FB/IG/TikTok/YouTube…

…So that they can massively increase the volume of high quality output, leading to a higher “win rate” & more winning ads.

And in this cohort training Sacha will be by your side every step of the way helping you build YOUR Direct Response UGC Factory, brick by brick.

The VidTao / Inceptly Team

With over $200 Million in adspend managed and building high performance video creatives for brands from Viome, Descript, Clickfunnels, Dr. Livingood, Huel and many more.

Our dedication to quality, process and iron-clad results are second to none. We’ll be assisting you every step of the way!

Your Investment

We offer two paths for implementing a high-performance Direct Response UGC Factory:

Option 1: Fully Done-for-You:

Want a 100% “hands off” path to having your very own Direct Response UGC Factory?

For $20,000, our team will handle everything for you over the next 8 weeks. We'll hire and manage your internal team of talent managers & video editors, source and direct UGC talent, implement testing frameworks, and fully run your UGC Factory to deliver a steady stream of winning ads. At the end of 8 weeks we’ll hand it over to you, fully operational and ready to continue to pump out winning UGC ads from now into the future.

Want this option? Email [email protected] with “DFY UGC Factory” in the subject line and we’ll get you set up.

Option 2: We Help You Build It:

Or, enroll now in our 8-week training cohort for just $2,000. We'll provide the proven systems, SOPs, and step-by-step blueprint for building your own in-house UGC Factory. With hands-on support, we'll guide you & your team to create & operate your own custom Direct Response UGC Factory engineered specifically for your brand and campaigns.

You’ll get:

  • All the SOPs (And our 1-on-1 help to build & train your team on each of them)

  • All the Training Recordings (So you & your team can refer back to everything at your convenience)

  • 24/7 Access to 1-on-1 Feedback inside our LIVE “Pop-up” Circle Forum (Ask questions, get detailed, specific feedback to your business, and rapidly build out your UGC Factory with our direct help, 24/7 inside this Private Circle Community.)

  • Weekly Live 2hr Q&A Calls (Each week we’ll be meeting for a live, 2 hour implementation call where we’ll cover each week’s material and answer any & all questions you have about that week’s material. )

The result at the end of these next 8 weeks? Your Direct Response UGC Factory is completely built and pumping out a steady stream of winning ads.

👉Go here to claim your spot: https://vidtao.com/join-ugc-factory

The Deadline

Our first session starts on Wednesday July 19th - which means we CLOSE enrollment at 11:59 pm US Pacific on Tuesday July 18th.

👉Go here to claim your spot: https://vidtao.com/join-ugc-factory


Because of the SOPs we’ll be sharing and the team resource intensive nature of the program, we will only be offering refunds for the first 24 hours after purchase.

Join Us

Our first session starts Wednedsay July 19th - so join us inside this Direct Response UGC Factory Build before enrollment ends 11:59pm US Pacific on Tuesday July 18th!

👉Go here to join us & help us create your Direct Response UGC Factory: https://vidtao.com/join-ugc-factory

See you inside the course,

Sacha & the VidTao Team