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  • 📺 Direct response YouTube TV ad w/ QR code & 500k spend...

📺 Direct response YouTube TV ad w/ QR code & 500k spend...

plus 2 comedic direct response ads scaling now

Welcome to this week’s VidTao 3 Ad Thursday!

Each Thursday we’ll be diving into our VidTao YouTube ad competitive intelligence platform to uncover 3 high-performing YouTube ads driving results.

This week we’ve got three high-performing YouTube ads for you to check out & model, including:

  • Funny eCom ad with $740k in adspend

  • Direct response YouTube TV ad - nanotech car cleaning cloth ad utilizing QR code element…

  • Comedy ad with $500k+ adspend, scaling now

Ready to check the ads out?

First, a quick announcement…

What to do when YouTube ads WON'T work for your business?

You tried YouTube ads, spent money, and saw little return. Maybe YouTube isn’t right for your business—but are you sure you tested everything correctly?

  • Best funnel setup?

  • Right campaigns, goals, and creatives?

  • Proper tracking?

Our team can quickly spot what’s missing and offer fixes that save you time and money. That’s why we launched VidTao Navigator, a private YouTube ad consulting program.

With over $250 million in managed ads, we’ve helped businesses unlock massive growth—even for companies struggling to make YouTube work. Take a look at this screenshot from one of our VidTao Navigator members (someone who btw already spends 7 figures/month on ads):

…And with just a couple of days of our feedback & recommendations?

They’re already scaling on an entirely new source of traffic: YouTube Shorts.

Think of VidTao Navigator as an “Insurance Policy” for your ads—ensuring you test, find success, and scale as efficiently as possible.

Go here to learn more about VidTao Navigator:

And heads up:

 We CLOSE enrollment for this cohort of VidTao Navigator next week, Wednesday, September 18th at 11:59 pm Pacific.

So if you're ready to get expert guidance, go ahead and claim your spot before we shut the doors.

Let's dive right in and take a closer look at this week's standouts and discover what makes them so successful.

Funny eCom Ad With Adspend of Over $740k (Shady Rays)

😎 First up, we have this cool polarized sunglasses ad by the brand Shady Rays:

This ad’s estimated total ad spend is over $741k 💰

Shady Rays brand runs other interesting YouTube ads as well, each with a total ad spend of thousands of dollars, check them out:

Here are some of the elements this ad consists of:

  • 👉Problem-Solution Format

  • 👉Humor and Relatability + Bloopers at the end

  • 👉Interesting, Good Quality Visuals

  • 👉Brand Differentiation

  • 👉Active Lifestyle Appeal

  • 👉Customer Testimonials and Social Proof

Want to brainstorm with us on new ways to scale your business with YouTube Ads (and other performance video platforms)?

Join us for a free YouTube ad brainstorming session here:

Direct Response TV Ad: Nanotech Car Cleaning Cloth Ad Utilizing QR Code Element (NanoMagic)

🧼Check out this nanotech car cleaning cloth ad by the brand NanoMagic we found inside VidTao:

This ad’s total ad spend is nearly $180k, with over $126k spent in the last 30 days.

Let’s take a look at their landing page:

These are some of the elements this ad combines:

  • 👉Curiosity-piquing hook

  • 👉Use of dramatic music and narrator's tone

  • 👉Promo QR code on screen throughout the whole ad

  • 👉Product benefits highlighted and demonstrated

  • 👉Sense of authority and trust building

  • 👉Urgency and scarcity  

~ update from our friends at Funnel of the Week ~

Advertorials: Best Practices, Key Metrics, Mistakes & More

If you’re any kind of performance marketer, advertorials are a tool you will want to master & have in your arsenal.

Here’s what Funnel of the Week Members are saying about the recent Advertorial funnel breakdown with Advertorial expert Brandon Ham inside the Funnel of the Week Members Area:

Want to get a crash course in creating high-performing advertorials that drive conversions?

Go here to get access to the Advertorial funnel breakdown & ALL the weekly funnel swipes, breakdowns & more, inside the Funnel of the Week Members Area 

Direct Response Comedy Ad: RMM software ad with Adspend of over $580k!

💻😎 Last but not least, check out this funny RMM software ad by the brand Atera we found inside VidTao:

This ad’s estimated ad spend is over $580k, with over $22k spent in the last 30 days. 💸

Check out their landing pages and all the different countries they’re targeting:

Some of the elements this ad combines are:

  • 👉Clear Value Proposition

  • 👉Feature-Rich Offer Description

  • 👉Relatability and Humor

  • 👉Highlighted Ease of Use and Cost Savings

  • 👉Engaging Presenter and Delivery Along with Simple, But Effective Visuals

🕵️ Want to “Spy” on over 10 million unlisted YouTube ads (and landing pages)?

Go here to claim your free trial of all new VidTao 2.0 YouTube Ad Library👇

Stay Tuned!

We hope this week's selection of standout ads has given you some fresh ideas to test yourself!

And btw… If you have questions about YouTube ads?

Go here to schedule a free chat with our friends at Inceptly. Inceptly is a top Direct Response video ad agency, specializing in high-performing YouTube ad creatives & media buying.

Have a great week!

PS - Go here to claim a Free Trial of the all-new VidTao 2.0 YouTube ad library (complete with 10 million+ unlisted YouTube ads & their landing pages)

PPS - Are you spending $1k/day+ on Paid Ads? 👉 Go here to set up a free YouTube Ad brainstorm chat.