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  • ☝️1 Quiz Funnel, 1000+ Unique Ads, ZERO creative fatigue?

☝️1 Quiz Funnel, 1000+ Unique Ads, ZERO creative fatigue?

(ends creative fatigue?) The "Angle Iteration" Strategy this brand uses to drive 1.6 million clicks per month

Want to see how to scale a quiz funnel on cold traffic?

(And specifically, how to eliminate creative fatigue…)

Check out what Liven app is doing. 👇

It’s an anti-procrastination app that’s doing big volume right now, and scaling hard.

Check out the numbers: over 1.6 million people hitting their quiz page just this past month 👇

(And check out that growth - nearly 50% increase in traffic in the past month!)

Now yes, some of that traffic is on YouTube…

…and they are investing more and more there, as you can see from this view of their YouTube spend inside of VidTao:

They’re having some success with YouTube shorts ads like this one:

But the bulk of their traffic volume is on Facebook (91%+):

Want to see how they’re doing it?

And how they’ve basically eliminated creative fatigue in the process?

Check it out to see how Liven started one year ago, with just one single ad angle…

And how they use intelligent “Angle Iteration” to now systematically launch 1000+ unique ads per month…

(and completely defeat creative fatigue in the process)

Have a great week!

The VidTao Team

PS - Go here to claim a Free Trial of the all-new VidTao 2.0 YouTube ad library (complete with 10 million+ unlisted YouTube ads & their landing pages)

PPS - Are you spending $1k/day+ on Paid Ads? 👉 Go here to set up a free YouTube Ad brainstorm chat.

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