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🤦 the #1 mobile mistake that kills advertorial performance (and an easy way to fix it)

Advertorials: Mistakes, Best Practices, Key Metrics & More

This week, the Funnel of the Week team dove into a surprising advertorial funnel that's quietly banking 7-figures/month for this everyday household product...

Now when you hear the word “advertorial” maybe you think of hardcore Direct Response supplement advertorials…

Or Direct Response gadget advertorials like this one from DIY car gadget fixd:

But good advertorials aren’t just limited to your normal hardcore Direct Response type offers & verticals.

Check out how “branded” DTC companies like ecomm shoe giant Vivaia leverage high performing advertorials like this one: 👇

Advertorials: Best Practices, Key Metrics, Mistakes & More

If you’re any kind of performance marketer, advertorials are a tool you will want to master & have in your arsenal.

And this week, the Funnel of the Week team went deep on advertorials with Brandon Ham.

(follow him on Twitter/X here: https://x.com/iambrandonham )

Brandon is ex-Agora, and co-founder of 021.inc copy agency and one of the top minds when it comes to creating Direct Response funnels that convert - especially advertorials.

Want to get a crash course in creating high performing advertorials that drive conversions?

Go here to check it out:

Go here to get highly tactical insights all about how to leverage Advertorials to convert more Direct Response / DTC clicks into sales.

Have a great week!

The VidTao Team

PS - Go here to claim a Free Trial of the all-new VidTao 2.0 YouTube ad library (complete with 10 million+ unlisted YouTube ads & their landing pages)

PPS - Are you spending $1k/day+ on Paid Ads? đź‘‰ Go here to set up a free YouTube Ad brainstorm chat.

Get in touch today to advertise with VidTao & get your brand in front of the Who's Who of Performance Advertising & Direct Response. Whether you’re looking to reach decision-makers at top brands or looking for rock-start talent for your team (like our happy advertising client below) VidTao’s audience is the cream of the crop of digital advertisers always looking for the next interesting product, tool, or opportunity.